History is full of men and women who in their day, discovered deep wells of life and hope in their quest of the Lord, often in the midst of trials and tribulations.  This is also true in this historic moment of much uncertainty. It seems to be a time of reflection as we navigate these uncharted waters. This is causing many to take inventory of their lives, discovering the heart of God in new dimensions. The fulfillment of Daniels last days prophecy is seemingly being fulfilled.     (Daniel 12:4-9)  

These are hidden gems that are found in many of earths broken and bruised vessels—out of which God is extracting some of the purest jewels. (Mathew 13:45-46)  But the greatest gift of all is that which is written deep within their hearts, to unconditionally release their hearts to God, and to forgive all men, no matter the cost or circumstances they suffered from them, that in Christ’s behalf, all such might be restored in Gods favor and forgiveness, even as Christ Himself forgave those who crucified Him, who, Himself learned obedience through what He suffered. (Hebrews 5:8-9) 

This brand of obedience hardly knows the definition of vengeance against others, for love overrules all such actions, nor does it allow for excuses. To reason with God prevents us from attaining His most precious jewels. The cost of our salvation came by-way of unquestioned obedience as displayed in the sufferings of Christ on the Cross.  Such suffering is often synonymous with those who follow Christ’s model in this grand and epic journey towards the prize of our upward call—reaching beyond the limits of mans intellect. (Philippians 3:13-15)

Years ago I used to reason with God, that after having attained to a certain point in life with Him, He would allow me to live my life as I saw best. Little by little I had to learn, and was compelled by the Spirit, that our obedience to Him is exclusive—transcending time, into the realm of eternity.         In the end we learn to submit, as He Himself learned to submit to the Fathers perfect will. You and I are called, and amazingly designed of the Father, to be partakers and joint-heirs with Christ in this glorious final hour—to bring in the great and final harvest. (John 4:35-38)

During this pandemic, God is giving us this one grand opportunity to make radical choices that magnifies the lord through our obedience, words and actions—with many opportunities to spread our lights abroad with life, hope and love……